I have no idea if this is the same way for men (although I sense that it is not) but in my experience, when women have large emotional upheaval, we use our hair as a way to give vent to our feelings. I think that this can be a positive or a negative, happy or sad, all depending on what we need.
I actually didn't do the "post-wedding" chop, although I know a number of women who have. I've personally done a "breakup chop", I've done a "you couldn't dye your hair because you're doing living history but now its over" redhead switch, and now, I've done the "I have no control over just about anything but I can control my hair so it is GONE..."
I am SO excited! I seriously love this. It is spunky and fun and I can play with it, and my stylist is AMAZING. If you're in the Albany Capitol Region, check out Vivid Salon in Schenectady, ask for Eslana.
I'm hoping that this haircut really symbolizes, and for me right now it does, my transition from passive recovery into active. I have a little over a week until I go back in for a check-up, and at that point I will get the release to go back to work, AND to start physical therapy. I am actually stupidly excited to start PT.
My plan for this last week is to treat going to the gym like work. Unfortunately I am currently in the habit of going to bed late and getting up late, and that needs to change before the rude awakening of early mornings with somewhere I actually have to be. I'm going to start getting up and going to the gym at the time I usually need to be at work. I think this'll be really great, as it'll not only get me back on schedule, but it'll hopefully make the transition back to work a little easier.
These last two and a half months have not been easy, but sometimes all it takes is a haircut to give you a whole new perspective. Have you ever had an emotional haircut?
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